joi, 25 februarie 2010

I still can't belivie what happened today

The day started out normally with me customizing an online magazine template for our site. Suddenly I heard knocking and somebody trying to open the door (which was locked). Susspiciously I went to see who it was. Much to my surprise there were police men, a guy dresses in a fancy suit and some old people standing behind them. I opened the door and I found out the the guy in the suit for a court official serving me with an eviction notice dating TODAY. The policemen were there to knock down the door in case nobody was home and the old people were the new owners of the house.
Apparently our rented house was subject to a trial as long as 14 years between to step brothers and the one who rented us the place had just lost and "forgot" to tell us about it. The new owner wanted us out immediately, like right now, screaming in the courtyard that he waited 14 years to get his hands on this house and he's not gonna wait one hour longer.
Thank God the court official was a sane and reasonable man and to whom I could explain that we knew nothing about the trial or any of their family problems. But the old guy wouldn't stop shouting at me, so in a rush of pure panic I slammed the door in their faces and I locked it. I called my boyfriend to come home, and my parents and his parents... somehow hoping if there were more of us we would manage to overcome this situation.
And yes, stalling them until our families came was the right thing to do (one of the policemen actually congratulated me for my course of action), giving the court official time to reason with the insane old man. After a loooong discussion with our parents they decided to give us 5 days to find a new place and move out. So my thing for today was packing up my stuff.

And what shocked me the most was that one of the policemen told me that if I wouldn't have been home today they would have broken down our door, taken all our stuff into the street, changed the lock and given the keys to the new owners.Just because they gave the verdict 5 days ago and our landlord should have told us to move out.

Posted via email from zazine's posterous

miercuri, 24 februarie 2010

Blog template and food

I've been working at the web templates for our upcoming site but all I did so far looks more like a blog template... :(
I'm gonna show you one of the themes maybe you've got some ideas. It's without any content and still missing menus on the left and right.
Oh, and btw, if you have any ideas on how to name an online magazine about handmade (lifestyle and projects) please do share :)

PS: made a really good thing to eat tonight: boiled potatos and beet (sfecla rosie) mixed with white garlic sauce. Turned out great

Posted via email from zazine's posterous

sâmbătă, 20 februarie 2010

Wooden box

Just a simple wooden box that I painted. I love boxes of all kinds, but especially the ones I can paint :)

Posted via email from zazine's posterous

vineri, 19 februarie 2010

TV table

This is something that I've been working at for a while now. It's a really nice small table that we found in an old workshop. I liked the curved shape of the top so I decided to turn it into something resembling a TV, it's not lacquered yet, I'm still thinking if I should make the "screen" a brighter color. Hope you like it :)

Posted via email from zazine's posterous

joi, 18 februarie 2010

Roller table restored

I've been away from the computer for a while but that doesn't mean I didn't do any crafting in the meantime. On the contrary I managed to turn around a really old and rusty roller metal table into one that screams brand new white and mod. Check it out here.

Posted via email from thing-a-day 2010

Chocolate pie?

Hey guys ! From now on you can call me the unluckiest person in the world... Just imagine, I got over this nasty cold just to get food poisoning :( And you know what's the worst this about food poisoning - you can't have any sweets... And, yes, I'm a sugar addict!
But now I'm better and to celebrate I tried making some chocolate. yum! It didn't turn out as hard as chocolate should be so I used it as cream for a sort-of chocolate pie.
This is what we used: 150 g of cocoa powder, 150 g butter mixed in a bowl with about 300g powdered milk (thanks to Andrei who stole that from his newborn niece). We melted 300 g of sugar in about 150 g of water and added this to the rest of the ingredients. Mixed with nuts and poured over some store bought pie dough it tasted amazing. Just spectacular after a week with no sweets !

Posted via email from thing-a-day 2010

miercuri, 17 februarie 2010


Tin minte ca acum cativa ani, la un curs de antropologie dl profesor ne-a citit inceputul romanului Parfumul. Si-mi amintesc ca doar ascultand descrierea pietei de peste si a mirosurilor care o umpleau noi strambam din nas imaginandu-ne cat de groaznica ar fi trebuit sa fie viata aceea, din Franta secolului 18.
Ce incerca el sa ne dovedeasca era ca oamenii au capacitatea de a se adapta conditiilor exterioare, oricat de vitrege. Privit din perspectiva asta, Grenouille, personajul principal, ar putea fi considerat un super-erou al zilelor sale, pentru ca in ciuda faptelor sale e greu sa-l vezi ca pe un villan.

1. Lumanare decorativa 2. Jewellery and lavender 3. French vanilla soy candle 4. Lavanda sapun hidratant

Lista de azi contine lucruri frumos parfumate si multe sticlute pentru esente tari. Filmul prezinta atat de frumos detaliat operatiunile necesare pentru crearea parfumului incat fiecare dintre noi ar fi tentat sa-si incerce nasul si talentul de a imbutelia mirosurile inconjuratoare.
1. Vintage XXS bottle of perfume 2. Smooth orange 3. Sapun natural lapte si miere 4. Silver locket with scent

Imi pare rau ca in film nu e deloc evidentiat faptul ca Grenouille nu are miros personal, mie mi se pare cheia intregii povesti. Vazand doar filmul ai impresia ca el cauta sa creeze un parfum perfect doar de dragul perfectiunii sau cel mult pentru a-si satisface obsesia. Totusi perspectiva din roman e ca fiind exclus de societate din lipsa mirosului personal, el incearca doar sa descopere parfumul care sa-l faca iubit de semenii sai.

1. Miniature perfume bottle hand-blown 2. Message in a bottle 3. Love elixir 4. Perfume bottle

luni, 8 februarie 2010

Zooey Deschanel - a list of her own

Pana acum am tot facut legatura intre lumea fantastica a filmelor si cea reala dar incredibil de frumoasa a obiectelor handmade, intotdeauna pornind de la filme si mergand spre handmade.
Lucrurile s-au schimbat acum cateva zile cand vazand Bascuta Zooey facuta de CasacuCadouri m-am sintit inspirata sa pornesc procesul in sens invers si sa gasesc si alte obiecte care sa o completeze.

1. Vintage italian sunglasses 2. Basca mod(erna) Zooey 3. Gray Skinny Bunny dress 4. Rainbow Vintage Sandals

Dar poate va intrebati cine e Zooey Deschanel si de ce merita tocmai ea sa fie sursa de inspiratie? Aici raspunsul e simplu. Pentru ca-mi place mie de ea :)
1. Urban Candy Tuxedo Dress 2. Aureille Milinery Bloom hairpiece 3.Vintage flower buckle belt 4. Mod yellow tree pocket mirror

Imi place de Zooey pentru ca e genul de tipa care stands out in a crowd, chiar si atunci cand e pe covorul rosu inconjurata de actrite mult mai faimoase. Imi place ca indiferent de filmul in care joaca (preferatele mele ar fi Tin Man si The Hitchhicker's guide to the galaxy) aduce rolului o parte din propria sa personalitate.

1. Mod hair pins 2. Cercei cirese 3. Gadget cozy 4. Vintage two-in-one combo

Si nu in ultimul rand imi place pentru ca stie sa cante si o face foarte bine alaturi de M. Ward in grupul She and Him.

SHE & HIM - "WHY DO YOU LET ME STAY HERE?" from Diaspro on Vimeo.

Melissa Auf Der Maur - Out of our Minds

Pe Melissa Auf Der Maur am descoperit-o aseara pe blogul Revistei Cultura si trebuie sa recunosc ca a fost dragoste la prima ascultare. A trebuit sa spuna doar come sit by my fire si-am stiut ca o sa ajung sa ascult melodia obsesiv-repetitiv pentru ceva vreme de acum incolo.
Cautand mai multe informatii pe net am vazut ca melodia Out Of Our Minds face parte din proiectul OOOM care include pe langa albumul artistei, o banda desenata si un film.
Imi plac teribil artistii care isi dezvolta creativitatea in cele mai diverse domenii asa ca v-o prezint si voua pe Melissa Auf Der Maur.

vineri, 5 februarie 2010

Kusudama flowers

For today's TaD I made some kusudama flowers. I love origami, it's one of the things that relaxes me the most.
I haven't done flowers in a while so the first two were a little shaky, but then I put on a movie and by the time it was finished I had about nine flowers ready :)
I'm thinking about putting them o a string and hanging them by the window. At least like this i can try to pretend is springtime...

Posted via email from zazine's posterous

Fur - An imaginary portrait of Diane Arbus

Fur adica blana, adica ceva ce n-as purta niciodata. Fur, in schimb nu este un film despre blana propriu-zis, ci despre o viitoare faimoasa fotografa si prietenul ei Lionel, un circus freak cu prea mult par, jucat fantastic si savuros de Robert Downey Jr.

1. Cumulus cloud ring 2. Camera brooch 3. Vintage camera 4. Camera girl

Nicole Kidman o interpreteaza cu multa sensibilitate pe Diane Arbus. Poate cu prea multa. Dar, tebuie sa recunosc ca nu stiu nimic despre viata fotografei asa ca poate stilul de interpretare e intemeiat.

Imi place ca povestea filmului pune in paralel doua lumi.
Prima este lumea in care Diane isi face datoria de a continua afacerea familiei fiind asistenta sotului ei, tot fotograf. O lume perfect normala in care Diane nu incape, oricat de mult ar incerca.
Cea de-a doua lume, cea pe care i-o prezinta Lionel, e o lume fara prejudecati, fara invinovatiri si de multe ori fara responsabilitati. Lumea perfecta pentru orice spirit artistic.

1. Faux fur leather and brass bracelet 2. Dark chocolate mink ring 3. Urban evil fur 4. Leopard vintage

Fue e un film despre ce inseamna sa fii diferit. Despre sensibilitatea acelor oameni care cauta frumosul acolo unde majoritatea nici n-ar indrazni sa se uite.
Un fel de Frumoasa si Bestia nefiltrata prin standardele Disney. O poveste de dragoste reala si, in acelasi timp, imaginata. Pentru ca asa cum spune si titlul - nu e cazul unei biografii, ci doar inspiratia din spatele operei de arta.

1. Antique silver vanity set 2. Lionel the lion case 3. Clouds box 4. Read more often necklace

joi, 4 februarie 2010

From black to white and green

I found this nicely carved old wooden box at a local flea market. It was black and the former owner wrote her name on it with nail polish. It looked pretty bad but it called out to me filled with potential. I scrubbed it to the wood and I decided to make it white. But then I thought green would be better. Finally I stopped somewhere in the middle and this is the result.

I want to make some nice floral drawings inside and I got some 3D red paint for that. I'm testing it right now, and if in the morning it won't smudge than I'll show you the sequel tomorrow.

Loving Yeasayer

Multumesc Vero c-ai impartasit cu mine noua ta obsesie muzicala :)
It's catching! Genul de melodie pe care o poti asculta over and over again.

miercuri, 3 februarie 2010


La Rome am ajuns sa ma uit ingrasand porcul in ajunul unui examen de Roma antica. Nu, nu era secolul care imi trebuia mie pentru examen si nici nu ma asteptam la cine stie ce corectitudine istorica, dar mi s-a parut o ocazie potrivita de a trage chiulul de la invatat cu scuza ca ma uit la un film tematic.

1. Spiral copper earrings 2. Romantica 3. Ancient mosaic bird and butterfly cuff 4. Earrings sandals silver

N-am regretat deloc, ba chiar am reusit asa sa-mi mai schimb parerea despre romanii pe care eu ii consideram in cea mai mare parte plagiatori ai grecilor.
Mi-a placut teribil universul creat si am apreciat confirmarea informatiilor pe care le aveam de la cursuri. Nu atat istoric cat antropologic.
Filmul castiga spectatorii nu prin reprezentarile evenimentelor importante ale vremii, desi acestea sunt firul rosu care uneste povestile personajelor, ci prin redarea vietii de zi cu zi, a conceptiilor vremii, a obiceiurilor si credintelor in zei.

1. Centurion roman earrings 2. Rome necklace 3. Roman bust pillow 4. Frunza lui noiembrie

Un serial foarte colorat care incearca sa redea cat mai multe aspecte ale Romei la trecerea din Republica in Imperiu. O lectie de istorie care mi-ar fi usurat mult viata in liceu :)

1. Amphitheater earrings 2. Cercei roman inspired 3. Greek set 4. Romans

Ta-daa !!!

It's ready. It's finished. It's dry!
The formerly tall, old, wooden brown lamp (that I found in an abandoned house) is now colorfully striped with hot pink, turquoise blue and warm green + plus a new flowery lampshade. My work for the past 3 days is finally done. I am happy!
Tell me your thoughts. Would it look better if I fixed the lampshade to sit strait?


marți, 2 februarie 2010

Fluffy bed capiton

Still painting on my tall lamp and knowing it's not gonna be done today I decided to make another project for today's TaD.
This is my new fluffy bed capiton made from a wooden board as long as my bed and as tall as needed to lean on it while watching movies.
Covered with leftover fabric from a drape project gone wrong and filled with pillow stuffing. I used a staple gun to put the whole thing together and it turned out to be really easy to make. Only took about 15 minutes.


Thing a day

M-am inscris la editia de anul asta a proiectului Thing a Day, in care este incurajata crearea de lucruri noi in fiecare zi a lunii februarie.
Posturile mele de acolo vor fi publicate si pe blog, doar ca vor fi in engleza.

Asta e primul post, cel pentru 1 februarie.

I made cake in a cup

Which is not the same thing as cupcakes :)
I know, I know... you're gonna say that this is a blog about handmade, but who can work on an empty stomach? And my first project isn't done yet so this is all I have to show for today.
But getting back to the cake, it's amazing, and great for lazy people because all you have to do is mix the ingredients in a coffee cup and put it in the microwave for 3 minutes. You need 4 tbsp of flour, 3 tbsp of sugar, 2 tbsp of cocoa, 1 egg, 3 tbsp of milk and another 3 of vegetable oil and that's it ! You can also add any fruit, nuts or chocolate chips.
I made mine with nuts and blueberry jam. Yum!

luni, 1 februarie 2010

Inglorious Basterds

In primul rand trebuie sa spun ca e un film grozav de vazut in cinema. Daca nu pentru altceva atunci macar pentru ca se termina cu un cinematograf in flacari, din care spectatorii nu pot iesi.
Damn, acum v-am spus finalul! Oh well, asta nu strica cu nimic placerea vizionarii pentru ca e genul ala de film care are mult mai multe de oferit decat un final.

Inglorious Basterds urmeaza si ca poveste si ca imagine standardele impuse pana acum de Tarantino, doar ca de data asta proportia de umor si violenta e inversata in favoarea umorului. Poate am devenit eu imuna la violenta din filme, dar sincer, Brad Pitt e mortal incercand sa vorbeasca italiana and that's something you don't see every day.

1. Vintage WWII military hat 2. Vanessa hat 3. Call to arms navy slacks 4. Drop dead gorgeous red dress

Cat despre violenta din film, spargerea capetelor cu bata de baseball mi-a amintit de bataia din Ireversible, dar nu stiu cat au in comun Gaspar Noe si Tarantino ca sa presupun o referinta.
Oricum e genul de film entertaining, fara pretentii de a fi corect istoric - pana la urma e vorba de o mana de americani si o evreica with a grudge care reusesc sa incheie razboiul intr-o singura noapte.

1. Gun pattern bag 2. Steampunk glory medal pin badge 3. Cercei pistol 4. The bobeda bag

O mentiune speciala pentru Christoph Waltz in rolul "Vanatorului de evrei", genial, absolut genial. Chiar si Tarantino a recunoscut ca pana la auditia lui Waltz credea ca rolul este de nejucat.

1. Cercei 2. Curved hunting knife 3. 1914 4. Gramophone